During one of Jersey City's favorite annual events -- the 2014 Hamilton Park BBQ Festival -- Kevin Shane (@stogiemonster) and Kirk Bray (of @billykirkinc) were with friends by the fire pit, discussing how amazing it would be to give New Jersey residents the option of riding a bike into Manhattan from JC. They discussed how a pedestrian bridge for commuters, athletes, explorers and destination seekers could change NJ's access to Manhattan on an unprecedented scale. With the increase in commuter traffic from Jersey City and Hoboken and the unbearable, often delayed mass transit options that are getting worse over time, the bridge could provide a new access point to Manhattan for the hundreds of thousands that go into NYC each day. With that, Kevin made it a mission to make this vision a reality, and create a better life for so many.
Discussing the idea with neighbors, bridge engineers & builders, government officials, celebrities and other experts, Kevin dove into the project during his free time. About a year into it, a local Jersey City architect by the name of Jeff Jordan (of Jeff Jordan Architects @JJArchitects) was introduced to Kevin and his wild idea. Jeff immediately saw the vision and how much this project could change the lives of so many people. Jeff decided to join forces with Kevin by creating the gorgeous renderings for the bridge that you see on this site.
The renderings depict a pedestrian footbridge starting in Jersey City, following the Embankment to and over the Hudson River, and into Battery Park, New York City. The Bridge would cater to commuters with an express walking lane and separate bike lane (both partially enclosed to protect people from the elements). It would also offer a park-like experience to those who want to make the Liberty Bridge a destination--providing a 200+ foot view over the Hudson unlike any experience before. The Bridge will be the home to coffee shops and other retail, artwork, solar panels, wind turbines, free wifi access, grassy areas, benches and more. It will start on the Embankment in Jersey City and gradually increase in height (with access points closer to the River) and end at a higher elevation in NYC. The Bridge will offer elevators, stairs & ramps for access on and off, and the bridge will be fully ADA compliant. Most importantly, the Bridge will add a new, environmentally friendly and pleasurable way to commute into NYC for the hundreds of thousands of NJ residents that currently drive and take mass transit into the city everyday.
This is still just the beginning of the monstrous challenge to make the Liberty Bridge a reality. Next step is a fundraising campaign to pay for the pre-feasiiblity analysis. If you're interested in getting involved, email us at libertybridgeorg [at] gmail [dot] com. Let's build a bridge together!